A series of 3 videos has been produced discussing issues that have led many to abandon Mormonism, namely polygamy and the translation of the Book of Abraham. An alternative view of these aspects of early church history and the Restoration of the Gospel have been provided in the hope that they will help restore lost belief and faith among some, and also to push back against the error, misinformation, and untruths that have been so often repeated about Joseph Smith's labors to restore the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These videos are located on the Testimonies page as well as on other pages throughout the website. A new video called Power in the Priesthood has been added to the Testimonies, Living the Gospel, and FAQ pages. This video discusses "power in the priesthood" as an extension or byproduct of an individual's connection, relationship, or fellowship with Heaven, or with the Powers of Heaven, as described in the scriptures. As individuals may belong to a brotherhood on Earth, they may similarly belong to or have fellowship with a priesthood, which is not based on Earth, but in Heaven. Priesthood was never meant to be a means to control or govern others, or to serve as a symbol of status or rank. Rather, priesthood is meant to bless, serve, and execute God's will on Earth. Differences between priesthood authority and priesthood power are also discussed. A new video entitled Church History discusses how we can view LDS church history and its problems in a faith-promoting way as well as an opportunity to learn from the mistakes of the past so as to not repeat them. There is no need to reject everything that a person believes in (or once believed in) because of troubles with or doubts about LDS church history, nor is there a need to sweep questions or doubts under the rug out of allegiance to church leaders, culture, or traditions. Do not throw out truth because of the faults, shortcomings, or weaknesses of others. Find out the truth for yourself. God is real. He will answer you. There are answers. This video is posted on the Testimonies and the Work of the Lord Has Begun Anew pages. A new video entitled Eternal Progression discusses the nature of the Godhead, the relationship between the Father and His Son Jesus Christ, and the concept of Eternal Progression. This video has been posted to the Testimonies and Beliefs pages. A short video entitled The Purpose of Temples discusses the importance of the concepts, teachings, and truths portrayed in the temple endowment ceremony (as administered by the LDS church) in terms of our journey back into God's presence while in this life. What is portrayed in the endowment ceremony can become a reality in each person's life as they navigate the same challenges and opportunities as faced by our first parents, Adam and Eve. The endowment ceremony teaches that the pursuit or result of our faith is to come into the presence of the Lord while mortal and receive the promise of Eternal Life from Him personally, rather than being a mere promise that these things will come true only in the afterlife. This video has been posted to the Testimonies page as well as in the FAQ. Please note: This video does not discuss specifics about the sacred symbols and teachings of the LDS endowment ceremony. A short video has been produced discussing covenants and the prophecy of Malachi concerning turning the hearts of the children to the fathers. The video has been posted to the Testimonies and Covenant People pages. God will make covenants with individuals, as He did with Abraham, and with groups of people, as He did with the children of Israel in Moses’ day. Regardless of who it is that God is dealing with, every covenant offered to mankind will originate with God. Covenants will always come as an offer from God, based on His desires for His children and His perfect love, wisdom and power. A new short video discussing the effects of the Holy Ghost has been released. Christ promised those who would adhere to His Doctrine, and faithfully receive baptism, that they would receive, at some time, a purifying witness of Jesus Christ from the Father through the power of the Holy Ghost. In scripture we also learn, “And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.” (Moroni 10:5) Indeed, the effect of the Holy Ghost on any person is to impart intelligence, a sure knowledge of the truth. This video is also posted on the Doctrine of Christ and the Testimonies pages. A short video entitled Rebaptism has been posted to the Doctrine of Christ, Testimonies, and Living the Gospel pages. We humbly and sincerely invite all to come unto Christ, believe in Him, repent of their sins, and be baptized or rebaptized in order to make an outward sign of an inward commitment to follow Jesus Christ as His disciple throughout their lives. A short video discussing Faith & Knowledge of God has been published to the Testimonies, Doctrine of Christ, and Knowing God pages. A short video discussing Repentance has been posted on the Testimonies and the Doctrine of Christ pages. True servants of God are often recognized as deceivers or not recognized at all. The Book of Mormon shows us the pattern for identifying God's true servants. Learn more in this essay.
A new page has been added that focuses on the doctrine of the first edition of the Doctrine & Covenants, known as the Lectures of Faith, which were “designed to unfold to the understanding the Doctrine of Jesus Christ”. Although these lectures were accepted as the word of God by the membership of the church in 1835, they were removed in 1921 by a committee of men. It is hoped that the Doctrine of Christ, as contained in these lectures, will be received again as the word of God as originally intended.
A new page has been added that includes a large collection of references to the doctrine of the 2nd Comforter, spoken of in the Book of John in the New Testament, and Calling & Election:
Three new pages of content have been recently added to the site:
All 3 new pages can be linked to from the home page. The developers of a new website, wordsofeternal.life, have published facsimiles (photographs) of every page of both an original 1840 and an 1842 edition of The Book of Mormon, which were "carefully revised by the translator", Joseph Smith, prior to his death. The facsimiles posted on this website were created independently of the Joseph Smith Papers Project. This website provides easy viewing and study of this important book of scripture.
Additionally, a large number of volunteers worked together to create an electronic copy of the 1840 Book of Mormon, including all printing and spelling errors. To honor the labor of the Prophet Joseph Smith, these materials were made available on his 212th birthday (December 23rd, 2017). Volume II of the Restoration Edition of the scriptures has been released for publication. Entitled The New Covenants, this volume includes the Joseph Smith Translation of the New Testament of the Bible as well as the 1840 edition of the Book of Mormon. This volume is available for download here and for purchase here. Volume I, The Old Covenants, and Volume III, Teachings & Commandments, will be released in the future.
A general conference focusing on the Doctrine of Christ and the role of Wisdom will convene in Phoenix, AZ on March 24th and 25th, 2018. The conference will consist of speakers from the body of believers as well as social events. More information about this conference can be found here.
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