"When the Lord shall build up Zion, he shall appear in His glory." Psalms 102:16 |
"When the Lord shall build up Zion, he shall appear in His glory." Psalms 102:16 |
Zion made its first appearance in the days of Enoch. He preached repentance and baptized, and thereby established a City of Holiness and peace upon the mountains and high places; and the Lord called his people Zion because they were of one heart and one mind, dwelt in righteousness; and there were no poor among them.[1] Their hearts were pure.[2]
These were the hallmarks of Enoch’s Zion, and later of Melchizedek’s. These are the same characteristics of the Zion prophesied to again be found on earth in the last days, before the Lord returns in His glory. Whereas the previous two Zions were removed from the earth and taken up to heaven,[3] the coming Zion of the last days, will remain on earth and be the instrument through which the earth and a people are prepared to meet the Lord at His return.[4] Adam and Enoch saw our day and were promised by God through covenant, that even though the world would again ripen in iniquity like in the days of Noah, that Zion would again be found on the earth, providing a way whereby the righteous would be spared.[5] These prophets were shown that Enoch and Melchizedek’s Zions would again return to the earth from heaven, as the hosts accompanying Christ at His coming. These are the “ten thousands of his saints” spoken of in Jude.[6] The Zions from above and the Zion on earth will unite.[7] The power of the glory associated with the return of Christ accompanied by these hosts will consume all those unprepared to abide the day of the Lord’s return by fire,[8] while it will be a day of rejoicing for those who dwell in Zion. |
Genesis 9:21-23
The establishment of Zion again on the earth in the last days (Zion’s Return), was promised through covenant to these Patriarchs because its existence serves several critical purposes:
Zion begins as a literal place, known also as the New Jerusalem.[23] It is also a condition of a people living by covenant according to God’s laws,[24] with purity of heart.[25] As in Enoch’s day, in the last days it is prophesied to be established high in the mountains,[26] and initially, this final Zion will be found in the everlasting hills of the Rocky Mountains.[27] Zion is destined to overthrow the kingdoms of the world.[28] The Kingdom of God, the New Jerusalem and Zion are all inter-related. Daniel prophesied of the stone cut out of the mountain without hands, which would bring an end to all nations and fill the entire earth.[29] The Lord Himself is the one who intends to establish Zion, which is indeed, a stone cut without hands---meaning God will lead the work to bring it about. It will not return due to man’s eagerness to force it, but it will require absolutely everything of any who desire to be part of it. It is not a half-measure endeavor. Nor is it to be, nor can it be, brought about without His authorization and instruction. At this time, we proclaim Zion’s Return, not to say it currently exists on earth, but to declare that the work of the Lord to bring its return has commenced. The Lord has sent His word to be declared again to the world, just as with Enoch, through an authorized servant/steward who has stood in God’s presence, to prepare the way for Zion’s Return and the gathering of God’s family from their scattered condition. The initial required covenant has been offered again. We invite you to search the contents of this website and prayerfully consider if they contain a message sent by the Lord to soon gather His sheep to Zion. |