A Voice of Warning
A Reason to Hope
"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."
Matthew 24:37
Matthew 24:37
The second coming of Jesus Christ is a great day to look forward to receiving. It is a day of rejoicing for those who serve and honor Jesus Christ and a day of mourning for those who reject Him.
“The end of the world, or the destruction of the wicked” is a time to anticipate with joy. It is not the destruction of the human race, but a time when the good will overcome the evil and the earth will again be at rest.
The Lord is gathering His wheat into His barns. We all have choice; let us all make the choice to be wheat and receive the Lord's promised blessing and protection. Great joy, peace, and glory are the companions of those who wait upon the Lord and obey His voice.
How the End Times will Parallel the Ancient:Full Address: