"Knowledge saves a man; and in the world of spirits no man can be exalted but by knowledge." Joseph Smith Jr., King Follett Discourse, April 1844 |
The current efforts to restore the original meaning and doctrine to the scriptures extends also to the Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price. There have been revelations written down in the Revelation Book maintained by Joseph Smith and his scribes that were not included in the original Doctrine and Covenants. They have been included in this new Covenant Edition. Some sections were removed because they were found to be repetitious, redundant, or scholarship has proven them to be apocryphal. There are some revelations that were edited and reduced in the original publication in 1835 and subsequent editions. The entire text of those revelations has been restored. The Doctrine and Covenants originally included the Lectures on Faith, written by Joseph Smith. This constituted the doctrine part of the book that was removed in 1921, without any vote of the body of the Church, and without any real explanation. That section has been included in the new restored version.
You will also find some additional pearls that have been included with the Pearl of Great Price. Among the new revelations concerning the offering of the New Covenant from the Lord to the Gentiles is an account of the fulness of the record of the Apostle John. The writings of God's messengers in our era can be found in the following places: